An interdisciplinary research initiative about law and biodiversity conservation

New publication: Swedish wolf hunting under the legal-epistemic framework of the Habitats Directive

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Ouro-Ortmark, M., 2024. One objective to rule them all: Swedish wolf hunting under the legal-epistemic framework of the Habitats Directive. Nordic Environmental Law Journal.

This paper assesses the tensions between the legal-epistemic framework created by the Habitats Directive and its national implementation into preexistent legal paradigms. To this end, the illustrative case of the 2023 Swedish wolf hunt is analyzed under the lens of the Habitats Directive and the Tapiola case, since an infringement proceeding has been ongoing for over twelve years and numerous scholars have been critical towards the compatibility of these policies with EU law. Conclusions point towards the importance of proper EU legal transposi- tions, which cannot consist in a piecemeal approach where key epistemic paradigms, generally entrenched in the objectives of the law, are disregarded for the sake of avoiding controversy. If not, environmental international instruments run the risk of being circumvented, and species protection of being overshadowed by prior, arguably outdated laws in the face of a global biodiversity crisis.

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